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Spread the Joys of Making Music

Spread the Joys of Making Music

Thanks to the ongoing generous support of the Michael J Owen family and our MJOMEF donors, elementary school students continue receiving support in music education in 14 elementary schools. — Bailey Gatzert, Concord International, Emerson, Highland Park, James Baldwin, Kimball, Lowel, Madrona, Maple, Martin Luther King, Roxhill, Sandpoint, Sanislo, and West Seattle. Since September 2020,  MJOMEF coaches have provided coaches for all of the Franklin High school string and band classes. On behalf of the students, we thank you!

During Seattle public school closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, beginning March 2020, MJOMEF shifted its focus from in-school coaching and produced music educational videos on YouTube to help students practice at home. Our dedicated professional musicians/educators created 93 U-Tube videos teaching early learning in 9 instruments for elementary school students.   All of the videos are free for use by students and teachers anywhere. Visit the MJOMEF YouTube channel to explore all of the instrument practice videos!


Watch MJOMEF Programs in Action

Our Mission

Recognizing the beauty and joy of music-making, the mission of the Michael J. Owen Music Education (MJOMEF) is to foster a passion and opportunity for music-making among under-served students in Seattle by providing professional musicians to help students and teachers in their music classes. Find out more.

Music Education Programs

MJOMEF hires professional musicians who assist music teachers in the classroom by providing hands-on coaching and assistance to individual students. Their presence in the classroom enhances the teachers’ efforts resulting in an improved classroom experience for all students. Find out more.